Monday, April 11, 2011

Stops along the way

I trust God with something...then I take it back to worry about again.
I surrender an area to Him...then I argue with Him to make sure He controls it my way.
I give my friends good advice...and forget to follow it myself.
I have a "good" day...followed by 4 "bad" days.
I cry my eyes out...and dry them up again.
But also- 
I miss talking to someone...and then have a good conversation with them that fills me up till the next time.
I fall flat on my face...but always get picked up off the ground.
I fail, and fail, and fail...only to be told I can try again.
I get frustrated...and people understand.
I love...and am loved in return.
And best of all-
I am loved.
I am valued.
I am cherished.
I am never alone.
I am understood.
I am prayed for.
Really, I have nothing to complain about, and everything to be thankful for. 

1 comment:

  1. uh....sooo gorgeous. and just what I needed to read today! <3 this and you.
